About ADAS

We are ADAS (Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH) – a subsidiary of Airbus under Airbus Defence and Space since 2015. Our passion is the provision of excellent services for and with UAS, our focus is drones and cargo handling. 280 ADAS employees are addicted to what they do – delivering highest performance and customer satisfaction in the fields of UAS Services und Cargo Loading Systems (CLS).

We are awesome at what we do – we are able to provide an outstanding UAS Service availability for 24/7. Our service approach has proven its capabilities in multiple national and international missions. No matter what our customers need, we offer our knowledge in various fields like consulting, training, support and operations. But it doesn’t stop there – due to a phenomenal expertise in our team we are also able to provide integration and test, engineering and production, Ground Control Stations, certification and air space integration of UAVs. Together with our clients we find the perfect solution tailored to their specific requirements.

We make cargo fly – this is our mantra for the conception of our reliable and modular Cargo Loading Systems (CLS). Our speciality are Pax-to-Freighter (P2F) conversions besides plain freighter aircrafts, the integration of cargo loading into passenger aircrafts and CLS for military transport aircrafts like the A400M. The products we offer vary from control units for the powered cargo loading system, loadmaster workstations, loadmaster control panels, remote control units for winch and crane to entrance area light panels.

See also


Training and License

Get in touch

For any inquiries regarding our products or services, please get in touch



+49 (0)421 84 48 80

E: info@airbusds-airborne.com

Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH
Richard-Dunkel-Str. 121
28199 Bremen

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