
Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH is an approved organization for design, production and maintenance of aeronautical products of the German Armed Forces. Civil aeronautical products are covered by the approvals of EASA Part 21 and Part 145 and by the Part 145 approval of CAA/UK.
Since January 2018 the company is also an approved organization (DE.AST.054) according to §21d LuftVO to certify sufficient knowledge for controllers of UAV.

The company has been certified according to
- EN 9100
- LufABw-TLB-001-16 “LufABw Genehmigung als Luftfahrtbetrieb Luftfahrtgerät der Bw”
- DE.21G.0081 “LBA Zulassungsurkunde EASA Part 21G”
- DE.145.0200 “LBA Zulassungsurkunde EASA Part 145”
- UK.145.01622 “UK Approval Certificate”
Quick Links
+49 (0)421 84 48 80
Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH
Richard-Dunkel-Str. 121
28199 Bremen
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