Privacy Policy
We welcome you to our website. We would like to inform you about the management of your personal data in accordance with Art. 13 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The controller responsible for the described data collection and processing is named in the Legal Notice.
Usage Data
When you visit our website, the data collected from the use of the website is temporarily stored on our web server for statistical purposes in order to improve the quality of our website. This data set contains:
- the page, from which the data is requested
- the name of the data file,
- the date and time of the query,
- the amount of data transferred,
- the access status (file transmitted, file not found),
- a description of the type of browser used,
- the IP address of the requesting computer shortened to such an extent that no reidentification of any persona data is possible.
The listed usage data is stored anonymously.
Data Transfer to Third Parties
We transfer your data to service providers who support us in the operation of our website and the associated processes. This transference is made under the scope of a data processing agreement in accordance to Art. 28 GDPR. Our service providers are bound to us by strict instructions and contractual obligations.
In some cases, we may transfer personal data to third countries outside the EU. In each case, we ensure an appropriate level of data protection according to European standards.
In the case of Google Analytics (USA), an appropriate level of data protection is ensured by the corresponding participation in the Privacy Shield Agreement (Art. 45 para. 1 GDPR).
Data Security
To avoid unauthorized access to your data, we have implemented technical and organizational measures. We use encryption technologies on our website. Your data will be transferred to our servers and back again via a connection that is protected by a TLS encryption technology. You can recognize that you are browsing on an encryption secured website by the lock-symbol shown in the address bar of your browser and by the address bar starting with https://.
We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored and read in your end-device. A distinction is made between session cookies, which are deleted when you close your browser, and permanent cookies, which are stored even after your visit has expired. Cookies may contain data that enables the recognition of the device being used. However, in some cases cookies only contain information on certain settings which are not personal data.
We use session cookies and permanent cookies on our website. The data is processed in accordance to Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. f GDPR and in the interest of optimizing or enabling user guidance and improving our website presence.
Please be aware that you can set your browser to inform you when cookies are being stored or used on the website you are visiting. Thus, any use of cookies is transparent to you. You have the possibility to delete your browser configuration at any time and prevent any use of new cookies. In the event you refuse the use of cookies, please note that our web sites may not be displayed optimally and some functions are then no longer technically available.
Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to create pseudonymous user profiles for improving and designing our website on demand. Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your end device and can be read by us. In this way, we are able to recognize and count returning visitors. The data processing is based on your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO.
The information generated by the cookies about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on its servers in the United States. We have activated IP-anonymization on this website, your IP address will be truncated within the area of Member States of the European Union. Only in exceptional cases is the whole IP address transferred to a Google server in the USA and truncated there (an adequate level of data protection is ensured according to Art. 45 para. 1 GDPR because Google is a participant in the Privacy Shield Agreement). We have also concluded a data processing agreement with Google Inc. (USA) pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR. Accordingly, Google will solely use collected data for the purposes intended, which are to evaluate the use of the website and to compile reports on website activities.
You can withdraw your consent to the processing at any time. Please use one of the following options:
You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you proceed accordingly you may not be able to benefit from the full functionality of this website.
You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link
As an alternative to opting out from being tracked by Google Analytics you can also click the following link. An opt-out cookie will be stored, which means that no web analysis will take place as long as the opt-out cookie is stored by your browser.
Click here to object to the processing of your data by Google Analytics.
Contact form
You can contact us via our web contact form. In order to use our contact form we require your name and your email-address. You may provide us with further information, but you are not obligated to do so.
Information which you provide when contacting us will be used based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR or Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR respectively, for the purpose of answering your request in an uncomplicated and adequate manner and as quickly as possible. Your data is used only for the purpose of processing your query. We do not share your data with third parties. We store your data as long as required to process your query or as long as required by legal retention periods.
Your Rights as a User
As a website user, the GDPR grants you certain rights when processing your personal data.
- Right of access (Art. 15 GDPR):
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed, and, where that is the case to obtain access to the personal data and the information specified in Art. 15 GDPR.
- Right to rectification and erasure (Art. 16 and 17 GDPR):
You have the right to obtain without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and, if necessary, the right to have incomplete personal data completed.
You also have the right to obtain an erasure of the personal data concerning you without undue delay, if one of the reasons listed in Art. 17 GDPR applies, e.g. if the data is no longer necessary for the intended purpose.
- Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR):
If one of the conditions set forth in Art. 18 GDPR applies, you shall have the right to restrict the processing of your data to mere storage, e.g. if you revoke consent, to the processing, for the duration of a possible examination.
- Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR):
In certain situations, listed in Art. 20 GDPR, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you in a structured, common and machine-readable format or demand a transmission of the data to another third party.
- Right to object (Art. 21 GDPR):
If the data is processed pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. f GDPR (data processing for the purposes of the legitimate interests), you have the right to object to the processing at any time for reasons arising out of your particular situation. We will then no longer process personal data, unless there are demonstrably compelling legitimate grounds for processing, which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the person concerned, or the processing serves the purpose of asserting, exercising or defending legal claims.
- Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
Pursuant to Art. 77 GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider the processing of the data concerning you infringes data protection regulations. The right to lodge a complaint may be invoked in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or the place of the alleged infringement.
Contact Details of the Data Protection Officer
Please contact our data protection officer if you have any further questions, suggestions or wishes regarding data protection:
Oliver Bösl
Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
Willy-Messerschmitt-Str. 1
82024 Taufkirchen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)89 31794331
Privacy Policy zu Bewerbungen
DATENSCHUTZERKLÄRUNG der Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH zu Bewerbungen
Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich bei uns bewerben möchten. Im Folgenden erklären wir, wie wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen einer Bewerbung verarbeiten und halten weitere in diesem Zusammenhang relevante Informationen bereit:
1. Wer ist verantwortlich für die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten?
Die Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH, Richard-Dunkel-Strasse 121, 28199 Bremen (im Folgenden als „wir“ bezeichnet) ist Verantwortlicher im Sinne der EU Datenschutz-Grundverordnung („DSGVO“).
2. Datenschutzbeauftragter
Zu allen mit der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten und mit der Wahrnehmung Ihrer Rechte gem. der DSGVO im Zusammenhang stehenden Fragen können Sie unseren Datenschutzbeauftragten, Herrn Oliver Bösl, zu Rate ziehen, welchen Sie unter Tel.: +49 (0)89 3179 4331; E-Mail: erreichen.
3. Für welche Zwecke und auf welcher Rechtsgrundlage verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten?
Wir verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten für den Zweck Ihrer Bewerbung für ein Beschäftigungsverhältnis, soweit dies für die Entscheidung über die Begründung eines Beschäftigungsverhältnisses mit uns erforderlich ist. Rechtsgrundlage ist dabei § 26 Abs. 1 BDSG.
Weiterhin können wir personenbezogene Daten über Sie verarbeiten, soweit dies zur Abwehr von geltend gemachten Rechtsansprüchen aus dem Bewerbungsverfahren gegen uns erforderlich ist. Rechtsgrundlage ist dabei Art. 6 Abs. 1 Buchstabe f DSGVO. Das berechtigte Interesse ist z.B. eine Beweispflicht in einem Verfahren nach dem Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG).
Soweit es zu einem Beschäftigungsverhältnis zwischen Ihnen und uns kommt, können wir gem. § 26 Abs. 1 BDSG die bereits von Ihnen erhaltenen personenbezogenen Daten für Zwecke des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses weiterverarbeiten, wenn dies für die Durchführung oder Beendigung des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses oder zur Ausübung oder Erfüllung der sich aus einem Gesetz oder einem Tarifvertrag, einer Betriebs- oder Dienstvereinbarung (Kollektivvereinbarung) ergebenden Rechte und Pflichten der Interessenvertretung der Beschäftigten erforderlich ist.
4. Welche Kategorien personenbezogener Daten verarbeiten wir?
Wir verarbeiten Daten, die mit Ihrer Bewerbung in Zusammenhang stehen. Dies können allgemeine Daten zu Ihrer Person (wie Name, Anschrift und Kontaktdaten), Angaben zu Ihrer beruflichen Qualifikation und Schulausbildung oder Angaben zur beruflichen Weiterbildung sein, ggf. auch Daten zur Bankverbindung (um Reisekosten zu erstatten) oder andere Angaben, die Sie uns im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Bewerbung übermitteln.
5. Aus welchen Quellen stammen personenbezogene Daten, wenn wir sie nicht bei Ihnen erheben?
Soweit wir die Daten nicht direkt bei Ihnen erheben und Sie über ein aktives Profil bei StepStone verfügen, oder uns im Rahmen des Bewerbungsverfahrens ein inaktives oder nur teilweise aktives Profil offenlegen, können wir personenbe-zogene Daten auch darüber erheben.
6. Welche Kategorien von Empfängern der Daten gibt es?
Sofern wir Dritte zur Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten einsetzen (z.B. bei Bewerbermanagement -Dienstleistung, Archivierung oder Vernichtung von Dokumenten), geschieht dies auf Basis von gesonderten Verträgen zur weisungsgebundenen Auftragsverarbeitung gem. Art. 28 DSGVO.
7. Ist die Übermittlung in ein Drittland beabsichtigt?
Eine Übermittlung in ein Drittland ist nicht beabsichtigt.
8. Wie lange werden Ihre Daten gespeichert?
Soweit keine gesetzliche Aufbewahrungsfrist existiert, werden die Daten gelöscht, sobald eine Speicherung nicht mehr erforderlich, bzw. das berechtigte Interesse an der Speicherung erloschen ist. Sofern keine Einstellung erfolgt, ist dies regelmäßig spätestens sechs Monate nach Abschluss des Bewerbungsverfahrens der Fall.
In Einzelfällen kann es zu einer längeren Speicherung von einzelnen Daten kommen (z. B. Reisekostenabrechnung). Die Dauer der Speicherung richtet sich dann nach den gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungspflichten, z.B. aus der Abgabenordnung (6 Jahre) oder dem Handelsgesetzbuch (10 Jahre).
Sofern es nicht zu einer Einstellung gekommen ist, Ihre Bewerbung aber weiterhin für uns interessant ist, fragen wir Sie, ob wir Ihre Bewerbung für künftige Stellenbesetzungen weiter vorhalten dürfen.
9. Welche Rechte haben Sie?
Als betroffene Person haben Sie das Recht auf Auskunft über die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten sowie auf Berichtigung unrichtiger Daten oder auf Löschung, sofern einer der in Art. 17 DSGVO genannten Gründe vorliegt, z.B. wenn die Daten für die verfolgten Zwecke nicht mehr benötigt werden.
Es besteht zudem das Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung, wenn eine der in Art. 18 DSGVO genannten Voraussetzungen vorliegt und in den Fällen des Art. 20 DSGVO das Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit.
Soweit die Verarbeitung Sie betreffender personenbezogener Daten aufgrund von Art. 6 Abs 1 Buchstabe f DSGVO erfolgt, haben Sie das Recht, aus Gründen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben, jederzeit Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung dieser Daten einzulegen.
Jede betroffene Person hat das Recht auf Beschwerde bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde, wenn sie der Ansicht ist, dass die Verarbeitung der sie betreffenden Daten gegen datenschutzrechtliche Bestimmungen verstößt. Das Beschwerderecht kann insbesondere bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde in dem Mitgliedsstaat des Aufenthaltsorts oder des Arbeitsplatzes der betroffenen Person oder des Orts des mutmaßlichen Verstoßes geltend gemacht werden.
of Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH for job applications
Thank you for your interest in applying for a job with us. Below we explain how we process your personal data for a job application and provide further relevant information in this context.
1. Who is responsible for processing your personal data?
Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH, Richard-Dunkel-Strasse 121, 28199 Bremen, Germany (hereinafter referred to as “we”) is the data controller within the meaning of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
2. Data Protection Officer
For all questions connected with the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation, you can consult our Data Protection Officer Mr Oliver Bösl for advice, whom you can contact on Tel.: +49 (0)89 3179 4331; Email:
3. For what purposes and on what legal basis do we process personal data?
We process personal data for the purposes of your job application provided this is necessary for making a decision on the establishment of an employment relationship with us. The legal basis is § 26 (1) of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).
Furthermore, we may process your personal data if this is necessary to avert legal claims asserted against us from the application process. The legal basis is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR and the legitimate interest is, for example, the burden of proof in proceedings under the German General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG).
Should an employment relationship be established between you and us, we may process the personal data already received from you for the purposes of the employment relationship in accordance with section 26 (1) BDSG if this is necessary for the implementation or termination of the employment relationship or to exercise or fulfil rights resulting from a law or a wage agreement or works or labour agreement (collective bargaining agreement) and obligations of representing the interests of employees.
4. What categories of personal data do we process?
We process data which is connected with your job application. This may be general data relating to you (such as name, address and contact details), information about your professional qualifications and education or about your vocational training, if applicable also bank details (in order to reimburse travel expenses) or other information which you provide in connection with your job application.
5. What sources do personal data originate from if we do not collect them from you?
If we do not collect the data directly from you and you have an active profile with StepStone or disclose an inactive or only partially active profile to us in the course of the application process, we may also collect personal data on this.
6. What categories of data recipients are there?
If we engage third parties to process personal data (e.g. in the areas of applicant management service, archiving or destruction of documents), this is on the basis of separate contracts for commissioned data processing in accordance with the instructions of the controller pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR.
7. Is the transfer of data to a third country intended?
The transfer of data to a third country is not intended.
8. How long will your data be stored?
Unless there is a statutory retention period, the data are erased as soon as it is no longer necessary to store them or the legitimate interest in storage no longer applies. Provided no recruitment takes place, this is normally the case at the latest six months after completion of the application process.
In individual cases data may be stored for longer (e.g. travel expense accounting). The duration of storage is then based on the statutory retention periods, e.g. according to the German Fiscal Code (AO) (6 years) or the German Commercial Code (HGB) (10 years).
If no recruitment has taken place, and your application is still of interest to us, we shall ask you whether we may keep your application documents for future vacancies.
9. What rights do you have?
As a data subject, you have the right to information about the personal data relating to you and to rectification of incorrect data or to erasure if one of the reasons specified in Art. 17 GDPR applies, e.g. if the data are no longer required for the intended purposes.
You also have the right to restriction of processing if one of the criteria specified in Art. 18 GDPR is met and, in the cases under Art. 20 GDPR, the right to data portability.
If the processing of your personal data takes place on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing of these data at any time for reasons pertaining to your particular situation.
Each data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory body if they are of the opinion that the processing of data relating to them breaches data protection regulations. The right to lodge a complaint can especially be asserted to a supervisory authority in the Member State of the place of residence or the workplace of the individual affected or the location of the alleged breach.
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+49 (0)421 84 48 80
Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH
Richard-Dunkel-Str. 121
28199 Bremen
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By sending this contact form, the data you provide will be electronically recorded, stored and processed. We only use your data to process your request.
Further information can be found in our Privacy Policy here.