References (Unmanned Aerial Systems)


In modern conflicts, new situations can develop with little prior warning. Taking the necessary action at very short notice involves monitoring events at high speed and passing on the information gathered in real time to the appropriate levels within the command structure. Detailed knowledge of the tactical situation is a prerequisite for the success of any mission.


The KZO was developed with these considerations very much in mind. KZO is a reliable system for high-precision reconnaissance targeting and damage assessment for in-theatre operations. Since 2009, it has served as a tactical UAS for the German Armed Forces in Afghanistan.


It provides reliable aerial reconnaissance results in real time:

  • At any time of the day or night
  • In almost any weather conditions
  • Anywhere in the world in any climate
  • Over distances of 100 km or more under threat


These data are then evaluated online at a Ground Control Station and passed on to the appropriate levels of the command structure in sufficient time to permit an assessment (or reassessment) of the tactical situation.

The KZO system provides the operator and the tactical commander with a high degree of support in fulfilling the task of obtaining full situational awareness. The high mobility of the system and flexibility in preparation of the mission allows optimised adaptation to rapidly changing tactical situations. The high performance of the Ground Control Station gives maximum assistance to the operator during the tasks of mission planning, mission execution and aerial image analysis.

The system is capable of providing the necessary data formats for many modern interoperable C4I networks and databases.

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+49 (0)421 84 48 80


Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH
Richard-Dunkel-Str. 121
28199 Bremen

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