UAS Services
Tailored solutions for your unmanned aircraft operations
We are offering Unmanned Aerial Systems for more than 30 years today; we provide tailored UAS solutions to your business and specific needs in the full range from consulting to full operation.
UAS CONSULTING – How to set up unmanned aircraft solutions
Consulting is the first step in getting into the UAS business. In order to set up an UAS organization, we are providing you advice and assistance in all technical, logistical and legal aspects.
Contents of the UAS Consulting are:
- Analysis of your existing or desired UAS portfolio.
- Requirement analysis and the system design related to this. We are able to offer support with bid and contract documents, supplier management, system qualification and certification and system implementation.
- Integrated logistical support (documentation, obsolescence management, spares / repairs, maintenance…).
Through workshops we are capable to establish your awareness for legal questions of air law and air worthiness and even the importance of the weather for UAS operations. UAS consulting also consist of assistance with building up the infrastructure needed.
Furthermore we are able to assist you in integrating an UAS into your existing command and control system. This capability we have shown with integrating KZO into the German Artillery’s ADLER – System. In this context assistance in BigDataManagement is possible.
UAS TRAINING CENTER – Driving school of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Own deployment – UAS training responsibility of Airbus
The training of UAS personnel will be done in close cooperation with your existing training organization. We are providing training solutions for the whole UAS organization:
- Air Vehicle Operators (AVO)
- Payload Operators (PO)
- Maintenance Personnel
- Mission Commanders and any other personnel involved (e.g. the “ground crew”)
The Training of AVO can be compared with a driving school. The aim of such training is the license for operating an UAS. Our experience in training, especially for Heron 1 and KZO is a major benefit to our customers. For other UAS a ‘train the trainers’ program can be set up with the OEM, as part of the contracts.

Unmanned aircraft training in cooperation
For PO-Training our optimal solution would be to use OEM for training of the “pure” operating of payloads image interpreting and data analysis requires consulting experts with military background.
Simulators offer interesting options for mission and procedure training for AVOs and POs is applicable not only for the initial training but also for maintaining the capabilities (and licenses). We have vast experiences and solutions in this area.
UAS training includes various areas where we cooperate with third parties:
- “Soft skills” such as human factors, air law and others.
- Training an existing organization for the specific areas of flight safety and certification of UAS/UAV.
- Training of maintenance personnel.
Full service for operating UAS – Supporting Unmanned Aircraft customers throughout the whole mission

We carry out all three aspects operating your UAS:
- Logistics.
- Maintenance.
- Carrying out the mission. AVOs and POs are our own employees.
You will get the data and information needed to successfully complete you mission.
With our UAS Support Center we provide integrated logistical support for customer owned systems. This is particular suitable for clients who own UAS but do not wish to bind the resources or the capabilities for providing the logistical support and the maintenance needed.
Our services include the full range of preparing the UAV for its mission:
- Documentation.
- Obsolescence Management.
- Spares / Repairs.
- Consumables and maintenance.
- Transportation.
- Provision of fuels and lubricants.
- Setting up the infrastructure needed.
- Technical expertise includes the capabilities for Line and Depot Level-maintenance. Pre- and post flight checks.

Readiness to operate – training between missions
Maintaining the capabilities of their armed forces in this field between two missions or until the procurement of a system is a concern for countries using MALE UAS in Out Of Area – missions in a leasing model. This related to both capabilities of the UAS crews and also of the capabilities of the personnel requesting the gathered information.
We are capable of offering preservation of these capabilities:
- Maintaining of licenses of the UAS crews.
- Training, including use of simulator and use of aircraft with reconnaissance configuration.
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+49 (0)421 84 48 80
Airbus DS Airborne Solutions GmbH
Richard-Dunkel-Str. 121
28199 Bremen
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